Amongst which during 2014:

ReTract - RElease the vitreomacular TRACTions: 17/01/2014, Roma, Italia
EURETINA: 25/01/2014, Roma, Italia
SILO: 30/01/2014, Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italia
AIOS: 06/02/2014, Agra, India
Winter Meeting ESCRS: 14/02/2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia
SITRAC: 20/02/2014, Padova, Italia
Convegno Campano AIERV: 28/02/2014, Salerno, Italia
CORNEA MEETING: 06/03/2014, Wisla, Polonia
AICCER: 13/03/2014, Milano, Italia
Frankfurt Retina Meeting: 15/03/2014, Magonza - Francoforte, Germania
XII International Scientific Practical Conference”: 20/03/2014, Mosca, Russia
Corso di Votreoretina: 22/03/2014, Milano, Italia
Retina 2014 (Lumbroso, Coscas): 28/03/2014, Roma, Italia

A.A.O.: 15 Novembre 2013, New Orleans, USA
Difetti Refrattivi - Nuove metodiche diagnostiche e trattamenti chirurgici: 31 ottobre 2013, Fabriano, Italia
Corso Chirurgia Vitreoretinica Mininvasiva 2013: 29 ottobre 2013, Pescara, Italia
Giornate di chirurgia vitreoretinica: 26 ottobre 2013, Monza, Italia
A.I.M.O.: 25/10/2013, Roma, Italia
R.S.O. Romanian Society of Ophthalmology: 16 ottobre 2013, Sinaia, Romania
E.S.C.R.S.: 05 ottobre 2013, Amsterdam, Olanda
EUCORNEA: 04 ottobre 2013, Amsterdam, Olanda
EURETINA: 26 Settembre 2013, Amburgo, Germania
Vitreoretinal European Expert Meeting: 13 Settembre 2013, Ancona, Italia
E.V.R.S.: 07 Settembre 2013, Rodi, Grecia
What's New 2013: 06 Settembre 2013, Padova, Italia
A.S.R.S.: 24 Agosto 2013, Toronto, Canada
Vitreoretina Up To Date: 12 Luglio 2013, Bari, Italia
S.I.C.S.S.O.: 27 Giugno 2013, Siena, Italia
S.E.E.O.S.: 21 Giugno 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia
Thessaloniki International Vitreo-Retinal Summer School: 18/06/2013, Salonicco, Grecia
RETINA IN PROGRESS: Present and Future: 13 Giugno 2013, Milano, Italia
S.O.E.: 08 Giugno 2013, Copenhagen, Danimarca
G.I.V.R.E.: 07 Giugno 2013, Torino, Italia
B.S.O.S & E.S.C.R.S. Academy Joint Meeting: 24 Maggio 2013, Tbilisi, Georgia
"The Academician Filatov Memorial Lectures": 23 Maggio 2013, Odessa, Ucraina
E.V.R.T.S.: 20 Maggio 2013, Brema, Germania
S.O.I.: 15 Maggio 2013, Milano, Italia
International Forum of Ophthalmic Surgery: 12 Aprile 2013, Katowice, Polonia
Modern Technologies in Vitreoretinal Pathology Treatment : 21 Marzo /2013, Mosca, Russia
VAIL VITRECTOMY: 16 Marzo 2013, Vail, USA
A.I.C.E.R: 14 Marzo 2013, Catania, Italia
Present and Future Challenges in Severe Retinal Diseases: 22 Febbraio 2013, Verona, Italia
Evoluzione nella chirurgia vitreo-retinica - Live Surgery: 08 Febbraio 2013, Forlì, Italia
E.S.A.S.O.: 04 Febbraio 2013, Lugano, Svizzera
A.P.A.O. - A.I.O.S.: 17 Gennaio 2013, Hyderabad, India
Trauma Course: 11 Gennaio 2013, Lublino, Polonia


S.E.E.O.S.: 30 june 2012, Portoroz, Slovenia
S.I.E.T.O.: 29 june 2012, Naples, Italy
S.I.G.L.A.: 23 june 2012, Rimini, Italy
G.I.V.R.E.: 16 june 2012, Naples, Italy
E.S.A.S.O.: 14 june 2012, Lugano, Switzerland
E.V.R.T.S.: 07 june 2012, Bremen, Germany
La conservazione della vista nei giovani: uno sguardo verso il futuro: 09 june 2012, Fabriano, Italy
Filatov Memorial Lectures - International Conference: 25 may 2012, Odessa, Ukraine
S.O.I.: 26 may 2012, Milan, Italy
Complication Management in Ophthalmic Procedures: 29 april 2012, Limassol, Cyprus
VI Euro-Asian Conference on Ophthalmosurgery: 27 april 2012, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Vitreoretinal Conference: 23 march 2012, Moscow, Russia
A.I.C.C.E.R.: (Associazione Italiana di Chirurgia della Cataratta Refrattiva): 17 march 2012, Trieste,Italy
Frankfurt Retina Meeting: 11 march 2012, Magonza - Francoforte, Germania
S.I.T.R.A.C.: 25 february 2012, Rome, Italy
W.O.C.: 20 february 2012, Abu Dhabi, Emirati Arabi
A.I.O.C.: 05 february 2012, Cochin, India
E.S.C.R.S.: 05 february 2012, Prague, Chzech Republic
2nd EURETINA Winter Meeting: 28 january 2012, Rome, Italy
7th Pan-Hellenic Vitreo-Retinal Meeting: 15 january 2012, Athens, Greece


Organization and management of over 30 National and 20 International conferences, amongst which:

•"Perfluorocarbon liquid in vitreoretinal surgery" (1991) Ravenna (RA) Italy
• Tree editions of the international conference "Internal tamponade in vitreoretinal surgery" (1992, 1993, 1994) Ravenna (RA) Italy.
• Three editions of "Vitreolive": Live vitreoretinal surgery, meeting with Borja Corcostegui and Klaus Eckardt. Ravenna (RA) Italy (1995, 1996, 1997)
• "Non solo Cornea" Fabriano (AN) Italy (1998)
• Meeting with Andreas Mohr Live Vitreoretinal Surgery. Fabriano (AN) Italy (1998)
• Five editions of Italiani d’America : International Conference with american ophthalmologists of italian origin (2000 e 2001 Pesaro (PU). 2002, 2004, 2007 Ravenna (RA) Italy
• Two editions of "Around the globe in three days" (2002, 2003) Ravenna (RA) Italy
• Two editions of "International course on Bulbar Traumatology" (2001, 2003) (RA) Italy
• VII international symposium of the I.S.O.T. (International Society of Ocular Trauma) (2006) Rome - Organizer for Italy
•Two editions of "Vitreo Together – Mininvasive Surgery 23-25G and combined techniques: Classical and Expanded Indications in Ophthalmology"
• R.I.C.O. (Ravenna International Courses of Ophtalmology) (2007) Ravenna (RA) Italy
• Ocular Trauma Course and Retinal Detachment Course – Kreissig Retinal Course (2007, 2011) Ravenna (RA)
I "Live surgery Day" Mediterretina Club - (High School Ocular Trauma) – (2005) Ravenna (RA)
II "Live surgery Day" Mediterretina Club- High School Ocular Trauma – (2009) Ravenna (RA)
III "Live surgery Day" Mediterretina Club- High School Ocular Trauma – (2011) Ravenna (RA)
• III Mediterretina Club, (2009) Cortina (BL) Italy
• IV Mediterretina Club, Nile Cruise (2010) Egypt. Co-organizer with Dr. El Rakawi
• Night & Day: Conference in the evening and live surgery the following morning.
2 editions in 2009; 2 editions nel 2010; 3 editions nel 2011. Ravenna (RA)
• V Mediterretina Club Meeting Amman Jordan, Co-organizer with Dr. Fayad Feisal

TEACHING SURGERY: (See training)

Part of live surgery session as the TEACHER SURGEON during the national and international conferences. • At the National congress of S.O.I. (Italian Society of Ophthalmologists) held in Rome in 2001 and 2003
• Civil Hospital of Grosseto (GR)
• Civil hospital of Modena (MO)
• Live surgery during the A.S.R.S and E.V.R.S in Cannes 2006. Surgery transmitted by satellite from the Operating room of the Civil Hospital of Ravenna
• Teacher surgeon during the live intervention during the “Corso Internazionale di Traumatologia Oculare” held in Lublino, Poland, 2011
• Live surgery during the congressional meeting: Civil hospital Tricase 2011, Ocular clinic Foggia 2011
• Mexico City Live Surgery during the "Congresso dei 3 continenti" (2007, 2009)
• Moscow Meeting Conference on New Technologies (2009 - 2011)
• Naples Congress G.I.V.R.S 2011 Foro Maculare con tecnica MIVS "One Port VPP"
• Other sites: Monza, Rome, Catania, L'Aquila, Naples
• Fabriano (AN) during the Congress "Non Solo Cornea" (1998)
• Ravenna during the congress with live surgery at the Civil hospital of Santa Maria delle Croci of Ravenna (RA) (see intervention live surgery Ravenna)


Nationally and internationally renowned for his scientific passion and ability to create innovative surgical solutions on the technological forefront, Dr. Cesare Forlini is today one of the most famous ophthalmic surgeons in the world.
This web site presents on one side, content related primarily to Dr. Forlini’s scientific/clinical professional path including a detailed professional resume with scientific and clinical milestones achieved in his career. On the other side the content provided is informative providing information regarding his Private Practice (e.g. its location and contact details), where diagnostic examinations are performed. The information provided includes also a scientific section listing the instruments at the practices disposal, their uses and some of the most common procedures that take place. In addition to contact details and address there is also an urban map to assist the reader find the practice.

Dr. Cesare Forlini

Dr. Cesare Forlini is the Director of the Operative Unit of Complex Ocular Surgery and Traumatology of the National Health care Unit of Ravenna.
He perfoms his diagnostic, consultancy and surgery on an institutional basis at the Operating Section of the Civil hospital at "Santa Maria delle Croci" in Ravenna


Surgical activity civil hospital
on pre-recovery basis
Phone number: +39 0544 285376
and with recovery in ward:
Phone number: +39 0544 285378

Diagnostc activity civil hospital for second level examinations (FAG, OCT, Biometry test, Ultrasound exams etc.)
Phone number: +39 0544 285303

Surgical activity on outpatient/day hospital basis Cataracts, Glaucoma and others)
Phone number: +39 285376

Private Practice (appointments and surgery) are performed in his private practice and in an “external specialized structure." (see section Private Practice")

Private Practice

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Ophthalmologic Examinations

Our Procedures:

Diagnostic procedures

Surgical procedures

Genetic test for macular degeneration NEW!

Other services performed by Dr. Forlini at Cidiemme

(Centre for Microsurgery, Ravenna, Via Berlinguer, 14)

Excimer laser (Model Schwind Amaris) to treat all refractive deficiencies (Myopia, Astigmatism, hypermetropia, with PRK, Lasek, Lasik technicques)

OCT Corneal with CASIA SS-1000 NEW!


Santa Maria delle Croci"
Civil hospital in Ravenna

Possible truogh Grant ICO, Grant S.O.E.

International socations:
Bremen: E.V.R.T.S.
(European Vitreoretinal Training School)
Lugano: E.S.A.S.O.

(European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology)
Thessaloniki: T.I.V.R.S.S.
(Thessalonki International Vitreo-Retinal Summer School)

Other Locations:
Lecce (LE) Italy
International Summer School of Ophthalmology

During National Congress:
S.O.I (Società Oftalmologica Italiana)

Durante International Congress:
(European Vitreoretinal Society)
(European Vitreoretinal Training School)
(European School Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology)
(South East European Ophthalmology Society)
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