The main private practice in Ravenna - (RA)

Viale Vincenzo Randi, 43, 48121 Ravenna (RA)

Phone: +39 +39 0544.270385 Fax: +39 0544.280049

Secretarial Assistants: Mrs. Iride Toccaceli, Mrs. Rosalisa Panzarino

For appointments: from Monday to Friday 15:00-19:00


Visita Oculistica Topografia Corneale
Visita Oculistica mirata per la chirurgia refrattiva OCT alta risoluzione (Retina - Cornea e Papilla Ottica)
Test Genetici per AMD Valutazione per rinnovo patente
Visita ortottica Esame motilità con schermo di HESS
Campo visivo Tomografie
Tonometrie (vari metodi) Pachimetria
Esame con microscopio endoteliale Aberrometria
Microscopia Confocale Misurazione del tono e curve tonometriche
Ecografia Bulbare Confoscan per le malattie corneali
Studio segmento anteriore con Scheimpflug Camera Mappa retinica computerizzata
Trattamento Argon Laser per malattie retiniche Trattamento per il Glaucoma (ALT)

Altre prestazioni diagnostiche presso il Centro Cidiemme - Ravenna

Fluoroangiografia Ecografia bulbare
Biometria OCT corneale con sistema Casia

Surgical procedures on day hospital basis care of the “Cidiemme” Centre - Ravenna

MIVS surgical interventions for vitreoretinal diseases MIVS surgical interventions for cataracts, glaucoma and various corneal conditions
Chirurgia del glaucoma, varie tecniche Chirurgia della cornea:
PK (Cheratoplastica perforante)
DARLK (Trapianto lamellare profondo)
DSAEK (trapianto dell'endotelio)
PK (Cheratoplastica perforante)
DARLK (Trapianto lamellare profondo)
DSAEK (trapianto dell'endotelio)
Crosslinking per cheratocono Correzione di diffetti reffrattivi con laser eccimeri Schwind Amaris:
Miopia, Ipermetropia, Astigmatismo<

Lo studio in Faenza (RA)

Via Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 9 - 48018 Faenza (RA)

Phone: +39 0546 26583

For Faenza appointments: Wednesday evening 15.00 - 19:00
call Ravenna's office: Phone number +39 +39 0544 270385
Monday to Friday 15.00 / 19:00

Lo studio in Spinetoli (AP)

Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 54 - 63078 Spinetoli, Ascoli Piceno (AP)

For appointments: from Monday to Friday 15:00 - 19:00
Chiamare il numero dello studio di Ravenna:

Phone: +39 0544.270385 Fax: +39 0544.280049

Lo studio in Pesaro (PU)
Poliambulatorio S. Pellegrino

Via del Novecento, 17 - 61100 Pesaro (PU)

For appointments: from Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00

Phone: 0721.415898

Oppure chiamare lo Studio di Ravenna dalle 15.00 alle 19:00
al numero di telefono Tel +39 0544.270385

Lo studio in Fabriano (AN)
presso Poliambulatorio Mytrhil

Via Bruno Buozzi, 52 - 60044 Fabriano (AN)

For appointments: from Monday to Friday 15:00 - 19:00
Chiamare il numero dello studio di Ravenna:

Phone: +39 0544.270385 Fax: +39 0544.280049

WEB DESIGN: Arturo Luis Rodriguez, Italy


Nationally and internationally renowned for his scientific passion and ability to create innovative surgical solutions on the technological forefront, Dr. Cesare Forlini is today one of the most famous ophthalmic surgeons in the world.
This web site presents on one side, content related primarily to Dr. Forlini’s scientific/clinical professional path including a detailed professional resume with scientific and clinical milestones achieved in his career. On the other side the content provided is informative providing information regarding his Private Practice (e.g. its location and contact details), where diagnostic examinations are performed. The information provided includes also a scientific section listing the instruments at the practices disposal, their uses and some of the most common procedures that take place. In addition to contact details and address there is also an urban map to assist the reader find the practice.

Dr. Cesare Forlini

Dr. Cesare Forlini is the Director of the Operative Unit of Complex Ocular Surgery and Traumatology of the National Health care Unit of Ravenna.
He perfoms his diagnostic, consultancy and surgery on an institutional basis at the Operating Section of the Civil hospital at "Santa Maria delle Croci" in Ravenna


Surgical activity civil hospital
on pre-recovery basis
Phone number: +39 0544 285376
and with recovery in ward:
Phone number: +39 0544 285378

Diagnostc activity civil hospital for second level examinations (FAG, OCT, Biometry test, Ultrasound exams etc.)
Phone number: +39 0544 285303

Surgical activity on outpatient/day hospital basis Cataracts, Glaucoma and others)
Phone number: +39 285376

Private Practice (appointments and surgery) are performed in his private practice and in an “external specialized structure." (see section Private Practice")

Private Practice

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Ophthalmologic Examinations

Our Procedures:

Diagnostic procedures

Surgical procedures

Genetic test for macular degeneration NEW!

Other services performed by Dr. Forlini at Cidiemme

(Centre for Microsurgery, Ravenna, Via Berlinguer, 14)

Excimer laser (Model Schwind Amaris) to treat all refractive deficiencies (Myopia, Astigmatism, hypermetropia, with PRK, Lasek, Lasik technicques)

OCT Corneal with CASIA SS-1000 NEW!


Santa Maria delle Croci"
Civil hospital in Ravenna

Possible truogh Grant ICO, Grant S.O.E.

International socations:
Bremen: E.V.R.T.S.
(European Vitreoretinal Training School)
Lugano: E.S.A.S.O.

(European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology)
Thessaloniki: T.I.V.R.S.S.
(Thessalonki International Vitreo-Retinal Summer School)

Other Locations:
Lecce (LE) Italy
International Summer School of Ophthalmology

During National Congress:
S.O.I (Società Oftalmologica Italiana)

Durante International Congress:
(European Vitreoretinal Society)
(European Vitreoretinal Training School)
(European School Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology)
(South East European Ophthalmology Society)
Vedi Sezione Fondatore
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